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Carla Elliff

Carla Elliff

Carla studied oceanography at Unimonte and holds a master’s and doctoral degrees in geology from UFBA. In her comings and goings of graduate life, Carla spent time at the Universidad da Cantabria in Spain, UFSC and FURG. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Oceanographic Institute of USP.

What Carla most likes about the oceans is the interdisciplinarity. She has worked with fisheries biology, coral reefs, ecosystem services, hydrodynamic modelling, coastal management, climate change, geodiversity, marine litter... and she believes everything is connected!

Carla loves to travel, read, walk on the beach, go swimming (in a pool or in the ocean!) and crochet. She is a firm believer of the motto “kindness generates kindness” to make the world a better place.

She is an editor here in the blog and one of the people in charge of maintaining our Facebook page.

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